Saturday, 12 September 2015

The future of biogical Field

             The GPS of the brain

Many drivers now depend on Global Positioning System (GPS) to navigate roads in unfamiliar town or subdivisions. But the brain has it own GPS like system. It helps people and other animals to orient themselves in environment.
       The network is originally discovered by noble winners John O'keefe & May -britt Moser .
             Brain Region where Place cells and                 Grid cells Grow

A grid cellis a place-modulated neuronwhose multiple firing locations define a periodic triangular array covering the entire available surface of an open two-dimensional environment. Grid cells are thought to form an essential part of the brain’s coordinate system for metric navigation. They have attracted attention because the crystal-like structure underlying their firing fields is not imported from the outside world, but created within the nervous system. Understanding the origin and properties of grid cells is an attractive challenge for anybody wanting to know how brain circuits compute.

   Applications of this Discovery

This scientific achievement will help us understand a very important subjet that has intrigued philosophers for centuries-how we understand and memories our position in time and space. These observations also explain why brain injury and conditions such as Alzheimer's disease-have an impact on memory and orientation. In an age

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